Periodic Generation of Activities (End)
Periodic Activities - Documentation

  Export Wizard - Settings for the activities to generate
Configure now the activities to create (which Title ? which Color ? which Categories ?...)

Notice that the displayed information is the same as when you are creating simple Notes/Activities
Only the start and end dates cannot be changed because Kplan will complete them according to the information you entered.
onfigure now the activities to create

Fields Descriptions
Title Title for the Note/Activity
Description Description for the Note/Activity
Participants Contacts linked to the Note/Activity
Documents Documents linked to the Note/Activity
Satisfaction Level of Satisfaction for the Note/Activity
Realization Level of Realization for the Note/Activity
Importancy Level of Importancy for the Note/Activity
Urgency Level of Urgency for the Note/Activity
Categories the Categories associated to this Note/Activity (button Categories associated)

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