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KPLAN PLUS global view
    2-Months Notes/activities view

KPLAN PLUS week view
    Week Notes/activities view

Mailing management
    With KPLAN PLUS, send personalized and targeted mails to relations.

Customized reports
    With KPLAN PLUS, print only selected activities.
    You can also generate your reports to PDF format !

The Month view
    Notice the 3 buttons (Professional/Associative/Private Life) that you can use to organize your information (activities, contacts,...) according to the type of life (private/professional/associative) it belongs to.

The Day view
    A small glass of champagne shows for friday juiy 11th, indicating one of your contacts' celebration day.
    Kplan will recall birthdays for all your relations (i.e thursday 17 juillet).

    Notice different small icons ( sheets) indicating existing notes.

Create Customized Classifications
    KPLAN will let you build your classiffictaion as needed . You can create one classification for your notes, one for your contacts and one for your documents.
    Each classification can include categories, sub-categiroes, sub-sub...categories to match your organization.
    Existing classifications can be improved in the future to match any new classification requirements !
Create Customized Classifications

The Note Window
    This the space where you create and organize Notes/Activities.
    Notice the different clasification levels (Satisfaction/Realization/Importancy/Emergency) that are available.
    It is also possible to customize the color associated to each Note/Activity.
Note Windows

The Person Window
    This is the place where you create and organize Contacts
    Notice that it is possible to link a pictures to each person.
Contact Window

The Document Windows
    This is the place where you create and organize Documents.
    The documents can be opened directly within Kplan
Document Window